Thursday, November 17, 2011
Fatal fire: Male nurse refused bail on five counts of murder
The man charged with several counts of murder after Friday's fatal nursing home fire, worked at the northwest Sydney facility. A 35-year-old registered male nurse has been remanded in custody charged with five counts of murder following a nursing home ... Fatal fire: Male nurse refused bail on five counts of murder
基金阵容:三季度末前十大流通股东中有6家大成系旗下基金驻守,合计持4125万股、占流通盘的8.52%,对应期末市值达25.91亿元,这还是该系基金在三季间减持161万股后的持仓规模。事实上,自2009年一季度大举建仓后,大成系 ... 盘点基金"独门"重仓股
Reconciliation with Hamas is Abbas' top priority: Erekat
Reconciliation with Hamas is the Palestinian Authority's top priority, senior Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat told AFP Friday. "For us, there is no higher interest than reconciliation", Erakat said. Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas and Hamas ... Reconciliation with Hamas is Abbas' top priority: Erekat
UN 'deplores' plot to kill Saudi envoy in US
AP UNITED NATIONS -- The UN General Assembly has overwhelmingly approved a resolution deploring the alleged plot to kill Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the United States and pointed a finger at Iran. The 193-member world body didn't directly accuse Iran ... UN 'deplores' plot to kill Saudi envoy in US
العموميه تعلن كشوف المحامين الذين سيدلوا بأصواتهم فى إنتخابات النقابه
أعلنت الجمعيه العموميه للمحامين بكفر الشيخ أمس الخميس لكشوف التى تتضمن أسماء المحامين الذين سيدلون بأصواتهم فى انتخابات نقابة المحامين الاحد القادم وتم تعليق الكشوف بمحكمة كفر الشيخ وكذا الحال فى كل مركز من مراكز المحافظه . وسيتم خلال انتخابات نقابة ... العموميه تعلن كشوف المحامين الذين سيدلوا بأصواتهم فى إنتخابات النقابه
Premier League weekend team news
Soccer: All the team news and injury updates as the Premier League returns after the international break. Norwich (9) v Arsenal (7), 12.45pm – Live on Sky Sports 2. Norwich expect to have both midfielder Bradley Johnson (concussion) and defender ... Premier League weekend team news
Trať mezi Pardubicemi a Hradcem Králové je po nehodě opět průjezdná
Železniční trať mezi Pardubicemi a Hradcem Králové je opět průjezdná. V noci u Rosic nad Labem vykolejil osobní vlak, cestující tak mezi Pardubicemi a Stéblovou vozili náhradní autobusy. Správa železniční dopravní cesty původně chtěla trať zprovoznit ... Trať mezi Pardubicemi a Hradcem Králové je po nehodě opět průjezdná
'Breaking Dawn - Part 1': The Reviews Are In!
"Breaking Dawn - Part 1," the penultimate entry in "The Twilight Saga," hit theaters Friday (November 18), and millions of fans around the world will see what Bella, Edward and Jacob are up to in this installment. ... 'Breaking Dawn - Part 1': The Reviews Are In!
Jurgen Van den Broeck rijdt geen Parijs-Nice
Jurgen van den Broeck heeft besloten in 2012 geen Parijs-Nice te rijden. Daarmee breekt de kopman van Lotto met zijn gebruikelijke aanloop naar de Tour de France. 'Ik heb het eerlijk gezegd een beetje gehad met de Koers naar de Zon: het ging er al iets ... Jurgen Van den Broeck rijdt geen Parijs-Nice
按照城市建设规划,本应是规划建设公共厕所的用地,在公厕上面又加盖了多层,成为了一栋7层高楼,山阳县群众质疑城建部门擅自更改城市规划,改变用地性质。 连日来,家住山阳县县河路的一些群众不断向本报反映,称按照城 ... 陕西山阳:规划的公厕咋建成了高楼
11月17日,位于内蒙古中部的阿木古朗草原再次成为人们关注的焦点。神舟八号飞船在顺利完成与天宫一号目标飞行器两次交会对接后,结束长达17天的太空之旅,披着巡天之光返回这块蒙语中意为"平安"的土地。 18时45分,在 ... 目击神舟八号飞天归来
2010年天津市民旅游花费186亿元 成为文化消费新热点
人民网·天津视窗11月18日电:据国家统计局天津调查总队抽样调查测算,2010年天津市居民出游4187.46万人次,比上年增长18.9%,旅游花费186.04亿元,比上年增长21.1%,人均消费444.28元,比上年增长1.9%。市民外出旅游成为 ... 2010年天津市民旅游花费186亿元 成为文化消费新热点
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